This blog is actually really pretty funny. The style works well with what they're trying to pull off and the posts are all clever and interesting. The way I see it, when your writing a blog it must be either, interesting or funny. You should either be teacher your reader something new or making them laugh. Brogan has a lot of good tips about what to do with your blog, the one I found interesting was comment in the comment section often. You want the reader to feel some sort of personal connection with you and your blog.
The art of manliness blog looks like this:
This blog also features a lot of different varieties of articles. I think when it started it was just one writer but now it seems as though it has grown into something bigger so they probably have multiple writers. This blog is kind of a hybrid between funny and informative. Some posts are meant for laughs, other posts inform the reader of things they might not have otherwise known.
Give it a look