Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lets Talk About Fests

This has been something that has been on my mind for quite a while now.  FEST SEASON.

We all know fest season has come to a close with one final adventure when OU takes over Hilton Head, and to be honest it has been a great season.  Overall, this spring has been a lot of fun, not just drinking wise, or partying, but the weather, hanging out with friends, and school has been very easy this term.  But enough about the quarter lets talk about fests again.  Fest are a lot of fun, the entire school comes together to have fun but do they shed negative light on our community?  First off, being considered the number one "party school" in america is a stupid award.  You can drink and party at any college in country we have just been labelled for being the "best" at it.  I personally don't mind that we are number one, it doesn't reflect our community but it does put us in a negative light.  That being said, if you dont think your going to be asked that in your next job interview...your dead wrong.  Being an Ohio University grad, you are immediately cast into that boat so get used to it.  Fests have a lot of positive to them I believe, its an entire college community getting together, meeting new people, and having fun.

Now here comes the bad side.  Palmer Fest...

Palmerfest has been notoriously in the headlines for a while now.  To be honest, ive had enough.  I dont even like the fest sooo cancel it... we can have all the other fests... but cancel that one.  It has been shrouded in negativity ever since 2000.  Its that simple in my mind.  If you have a bad apple are you going to keep eating it?  The Roger McDavis wrote a response to the parents.  This was also a very frustrating response to a fest that for the entire day was extremely tame.  The entire fest is annoying and should be gone.  With that said theres plenty of good from the fest.

Its a chance to hang out with your friends, unwind from a long year, and relax and experience college.
So heres a look at what fests really mean to me...